
So, exams are almost over and I’ve got a 10 week summer ahead of me to do WHATEVER I WANT. 

I decided that this summer I wanted to do something special. I didn’t want to spend my whole time stuck indoors asleep (although it would be nice to catch up on sleep after exams haha). It’s a long time to spend not doing anything so I’ve made sure that I’m busy and enjoying myself!

The first week after my exams I’m going to Alton Towers with school and prom which I’m dead excited for! I’ll also have sixth form inductions for my A Levels that I’ll be doing in September. 

The second week of my summer, I’m going for a family holiday to Majorca. We’re going for 2 weeks and I can’t wait to get a tan and have a break away from the British weather haha. We are going to the same hotel we went to last year with a great waterpark just round the corner. Keep updated to my blog to hear all about that soon! 

The main part of my summer takes up 4 weeks. For this 4 weeks I’m going on an NCS programme. If you don’t know what NCS is it’s the National Citizen Service and it’s an amazing programme for 16-17 year olds during the summer. We spend the first week on a residential, doing activities like gorge scrambling, kayaking, abseiling and lots of other amazing things! The second week we also stay away from home but this time we have our own shopping budget and begin to work as a team more and live for ourselves. We will also be helping out the community whether that’s focused on helping young children or the elderly. The final two weeks of NCS, in our teams we come up with a project that allows us to fundraise and collect money for charities of our choice. 

NCS seems an amazing opportunity for me to have fun whilst helping out the community. I’m thoroughly looking forward to it so that I can increase my confidence and make loads of great memories and new friends. 

So overall my summer is looking really good! Once my last few exams are over I’ll have plenty to keep you updated with! 

Hannah xx

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