
So at the moment my life is focused around my GCSEs, as much as hate them, almost everyone has to do them. If anyone doesn’t know what GCSEs are they are a set of exams that you do at the end of year 11 in high school which determine what college/sixth form you will get into.

Overall, I have 29 exams all together, so far I have completed 16 and still have 13 to go. I don’t have a full idea of what I want to do when I finish education but what I do know is that I need to get at least 5 A’s in my GCSEs to apply for the sixth form I want.

This part of the year is very stressful for me at the moment but it’s only for a couple more weeks and then I’ll have a long summer so I can relax and have a good time!

To anyone who is in year 10 and approaching exams, my tips are:


It’s important not to stress because you will get too worked up worrying yourself over exams that may not fully determine your life. I find that the more you stress, the worse you do, so stay calm!

  • Don’t overwork yourself with revision

Little and often is the best way of coping with revision. Make sure you take plenty of 5-10 minute breaks in-between 40 minute sessions. Also, try and mix it up a bit by doing more than one subject per day.

  • Make sure you prepare

An important thing is to plan your revision at least 5 or 6 weeks before your exams are due to start. If its left all until the last minute, it will cause you to stress. Don’t wait until the night before the exam to look over/write your notes because you will find it harder to remember the information and details.

  • Past papers

Past papers seem to work best for me, but everyone revises differently. Check with your teachers what exam board each of your subjects are on and then print off papers to do. The most important thing is to mark them yourself so that you can see what you’ve done wrong.

Overall, my main advice is that GCSEs don’t have to decide your future, there are plenty of other options if you don’t get the grades you’re expecting. Just do your best and work your hardest and that’s all you can do 🙂

Hannah xx


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